Monday 14 January 2019

Fiinovation implements CSR Project with People's Forum

Fiinovation, a global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability consultancy has entered into a partnership with People's Forum, along with a Public Limited Company in the business of manufacture of Calcined Petroleum Coke, for a social welfare intervention on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) components in Paradip.

People's Forum is a non-profit organisation that works in sectors including women and child development, health and sanitation, livelihood and agriculture.
The CSR programme will intend to benefit 700 households in the district, by sensitising the locals on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) practices. Evidently, the programme will ensure access to safe drinking water by installing community Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants in the locality. The activities will include installation of storage tanks for collection and storage of the purified water.
Through this initiative, each household will be able to collect 20 litres of safe drinking water each day in jerry cans.
The company claimed that people of Paradip face immense problems in fetching safe drinking water due to unavailability and through this project, Fiinovation intends to improve the quality of healthcare with access to clean water, which is vital in maintaining good health. In addition, the project also aims to create community-level awareness sessions on the prevention of waterborne disease and combating malnutrition by conducting frequent awareness drives and health camps.
To identify the key problem within the community, a rigorous need assessment study was also conducted by Fiinovation Team, which resulted in some important observations and essential requirements.
Dr Soumitro Chakraborty, CEO, Fiinovation while speaking about the partnership, stated that the project focuses on addressing the most essential problems in the area. "We are proud to partner with People's Forum and take this initiative ahead which largely focuses on improving day-to-day lives of the people from the marginalised sector, who lack basic facilities like clean drinking water, healthy environment, and most important primary healthcare facilities."
The villages witnessed some prime problems like insufficient, irregular and unsafe drinking water which leads to a number of water-borne diseases. Another problem that has been identified is air and water pollution prevalent due to the presence of many industries, resulting in respiratory and skin diseases. Adding to the burden, sadly enough, non-availability of primary healthcare services is a major challenge in the said area.
To ensure an efficient execution of the project, Fiinovation has thoroughly researched and identified People's Forum, which will sensitise and create awareness amongst people.
"Our team at Fiinovation and our partners including People's Forum realise the approach towards addressing social challenges with cost-effectiveness and time-orientation, and are certain that our consistent endeavours like these will bring a long-lasting change," added Chakraborty Fiinovation CEO.
As a part of the project, the other essential activities include tree plantation in and around the colonies, school campus, playground and other suitable places, aimed to reduce the flow of pollutants and dust. To create a sense of ownership and responsibility, the existing Self Help Groups will also be capacitated to carry out the execution along with the NGO.
Nearly a year-long project, it aims to benefit around 3500 beneficiaries and contribute towards a better life by tapping on some key challenges witnessed in the area.
Fiinovation Delhi address - 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3 Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110020

Sunday 13 January 2019

Leading health insurance company partners with Fiinovation

A leading private sector health insurance company in India entered into a strategic partnership with Fiinovation, a global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consulting firm, and Pinnacle Skills India, an NGO that works towards empowering youth through skill development and education.

The programmer's key objective is to provide skill development opportunities to women from financially disadvantaged communities in 36 districts across 8 states of India. Under this collaboration, Fiinovation and Pinnacle Skills will extend their services to facilitate the corporation's social welfare project for training the youth to take up the roles of General Duty Assistants (GDA).
The project's mandate includes community mobilisation through awareness activities, setting-up training centers for skill development, and ensuring employment opportunities. The complete CSR portfolio will be managed and monitored by Fiinovation. Pinnacle Skills India took the responsibility to arrange for 'On-Job Training' of the beneficiaries, in hospitals, and multi-speciality clinics.
Upon completion of the training, the beneficiaries will be duly assessed and issued certificates by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Sector Skill Council and provided with job placements as GDAs.
Speaking on the launch, Dr. Soumitro Chakraborty, CEO, Fiinovation stressed on the need and importance of women empowerment and their skill development. He stated, "There is a serious decline in women workforce participation due to lack of opportunities, safety and other social stigmas. We want to contribute towards making a social and economic change."
"Percentage of working women has declined over time. With 36% of women being employed in 2005-06, the number has decreased to 24% in 2015-16. This decline must be a major concern for economy and society at large. Owing to the high gender inequality at the workplace, there is an urgent need that calls for an overhaul. It goes without saying that we need to shift focus towards education, skill development and employment opportunities for women, more aggressively than before. Our society has to adapt and let them take their rightful positions, which they deserve. For the greater good, if more women become part of the paid labour force, it will help raise India's GDP by an additional 18% by 2025," Dr. Chakraborty Fiinovation CEO.
Fiinovation Delhi address - 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3 Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110020

Friday 11 January 2019

Fiinovation and CYDA Join Hands to Implement a Social Welfare Project

Global Corporate Social Responsibility consulting firm Fiinovation, joined hands with Centre for Youth Development and Activities (CYDA), an NGO which closely works on improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) and skill development among the marginalized section.

In accordance with the strategic partnership, supported by a leading manufacturer of Calcined Petroleum Coke, Fiinovation CSR has conceptualized a social intervention that aims at improving environmental and health conditions in Bilaspur district.
This joint initiative will largely focus on conducting awareness drives and implementing Wash (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) specific programs in the region to benefit 700 households. The activities involve sensitization drives on improving hygiene habits, incorporation of RO tanks to facilitate safe drinking water, and ensure a clean environment.
Fiinovation , a CSR consulting firm, has exhaustively analyzed the ground-level needs and designed the project in a way that it meets the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for enhancing the economic, social and environmental state.
Around 28% of the total population in Parsada Awas and 33% in Nayapara Parsada, two hamlets in Belha tehsil of Bilaspur district, work as wage labourers in the nearby industrial plants with inadequate access to drinking water and sanitation facilities. Some prime problems like water unavailability for daily usage leads to great trouble for women. Moreover, lack of toilets and bathing areas lead to open defecation and open bathing, resulting in water-borne diseases.
Fiinovation and CYDA are working rigorously on improving the water problems, sanitation factors and basic hygiene practices, thereby improving overall healthcare conditions.Regular tree plantation drives are also conducted for environmental benefits such as improving air quality and conserving water. The plantation drives engage the youngsters from the village and help in creating a sense of ownership within the community.
"We are proud to partner with CYDA for the initiative, envisioned to improve the living conditions of the marginalized section who don't have access to basic amenities like clean drinking water, and sanitation infrastructure and services. With this social initiative, we are striving to impact the health conditions in a positive way, "said Dr. Soumitro Chakraborty, Fiinovation CEO
Address - 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3 Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110020

Thursday 10 January 2019

CSR and Corporate Social Responsibility ACT 2013 || Fiinovation since 2008.

What is CSR?
Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives (“Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach”), while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. In this sense it is important to draw a distinction between CSR, which can be a strategic business management concept, and charity, sponsorships or philanthropy.

History of CSR (Corporate social Responsibility)
The history of CSR dates back many years and in one instance can even be traced back 5000 years in Ancient Mesopotamia around 1700 BC, King Hammurabi introduced a code in which builders, innkeepers or farmers were put to death if their negligence caused the deaths of others, or major inconvenience to local citizens. In Ancient Rome senators grumbled about the failure of businesses to contribute sufficient taxes to fund their military campaigns, while in 1622 disgruntled shareholders in the Dutch East India Company started issuing pamphlets complaining about management secrecy and “self-enrichment”. With industrialization, the impacts of business on society and the environment assumed an entirely new dimension. The “corporate paternalists” of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries used some of their wealth to support philanthropic ventures. 
By 80’s and 90’s CSR was taken into discussion, the first company to implement CSR was Shell in 1998. (Corporate watch report, 2006) With well informed and educated general people it has become a threat to the corporate and CSR is the solution to it. In 1990 CSR was standard in the industry with companies like Price Waterhouse Copper and KPMG. CSR evolved beyond code of conduct and reporting, eventually it started taking initiative in NGO’s, multi stake holder, ethical trading. (Corporate watch report, 2006).
About CSR Mandate in India and corporate social responsibility act 2013
India is the first country in the world to introduce statutory Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through the new Companies Act, 2013.Prior to this landmark development, CSR was not a new concept in India and can be traced with historic pieces of evidence.


1.     CSR successful in India:-
It is certainly true that Indian firms collectively are more than complying with the CSR law.The general reaction in the Indian press has been positive andsuggests that the CSR law has been a success. However, the CSR law is only apparently successful, and in reality is harmful.
2.     CSR mandatory in India:-
India has gone further than any other country. In 2013, it enacted Section 135 of the Indian Companies Act prescribing a mandatory “CSR spend of 2% of average net profits … during the three immediately preceding financial years” for all companies meeting specified financial thresholds

Fiinovation has been working in CSR and sustainability sector since 2008.
Fiinovation , a CSR consulting firm, is an integrated solution enabler in the CSR and sustainability domain. It is focused towards enhancing quality across organizational value chain through meaningful innovation thereby ensuring sustainability.
Fiinovation CEO - Dr. Soumitro Chakraborty, created a niche in the CSR and Sustainability industry and established Fiinovation in 2008. He has strategized and implemented various programmes across India and proved his mettle by converting challenges into opportunities by conducting thorough research to provide simple, strategic solutions to organisations.
Over the last eight years, Finnovation has created a niche for itself through its extensive work in the corporate social responsibility arena.
Fiinovation Delhi address - 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3 Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110020
Sectors (Health,Livelihood, Environment and Education)–
Fiinovation CSR is working in these sectors. Focused primarily on four sectors, which include Health, Education, Livelihood and Environment. The state of the art proposal research laboratory facilitates the researchers in conducting both primary as well as secondary research before initiating an assignment, Identifying opportunities and providing simplified solutions.

Natural Resources Conservation & Management || Uflex along with Fiinovation

Natural Resources, particularly water and soil, are fundamental for the capacity and structure of farming creation frameworks and for the general social and natural supportability.

Agriculture records for generally 70% of aggregate freshwater withdrawals globally. Cultivating additionally adds to water contamination from supplement and pesticide run-off and soil disintegration. Without enhanced proficiency measures, rural water utilization is required to ascend by about 20% universally by 2050. Environmental change is as of now influencing water supply and agribusiness through changes in the occasional planning of precipitation and snow pack dissolve, and also with higher event and seriousness of dry spells and surges.
Over the last three decades Uflex, India's largest flexible packaging company and an emerging global player, along with Fiinovation in the year 2017 adopted another village in Malanpur, Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh and replicated the ongoing intervention on Natural Resource Conservation and Optimization of the Ecosystem Services with a renowned grassroots level organization, VAMA – Bal Mahila Vikas Samiti.
An expansion of profitability can enable push to advance towards future sustenance security and the general prosperity of makers and rustic networks all inclusive, however given the restricted characteristic asset base on which horticulture depend, economical improvement will eventually rely upon the capable administration of the planet's normal assets.
Fiinovation project aims to capacitate and train farmers to adopt in-situ and ex-situ measures of rainwater harvesting to meet their irrigation demands as well as increase groundwater recharge rate.


Impact delivering

Our approach to a sustainable use of natural resources, includes practices that:
  • Encourage the protection and restoration of water sources, and promote water use optimization.
  • Require the implementation of systems for wastewater treatment before reuse or disposal.
  • Foster soil conservation and improved carbon stocks.
  • Promote waste reduction, recycling and responsible disposal.


In 2014, India introduced CSR law being the first country in the world to make it mandatory. The corporate segment was at first shocked and a considerable lot of them saw this as an extra taxation rate. India likewise observed another administration in 2014, which was feeling the squeeze by Industry Bodies and Associations to topple the law. Rather, the new government wanted the corporate sector to play an active role in the development of the nation, and encouraged organizations to start thinking toward country working through CSR. Government activities like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan were promoted under CSR and dynamic endeavors have been made to make it a public movement considering sanitation issues concerns everyone.

The act makes it mandatory for enterprises in India Every organization having total assets of rupees five hundred crore or more, or turnover of rupees one thousand crore or more or a net benefit of rupees five crore or all the more during any financial year shall constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board consisting of three or more directors, out of which at least one director shall be an independent director.
Fiinovation one of the Top global CSR Consulting Firm in India  working in different sectors of social development among the masses with the focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability.
  • Fiinovation has tried to bridge the gap between corporate houses and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
  • Fiinovation helped different corporate organisations pool their resources for the betterment of people and nature, according to their respective CSR charters.
  • Fiinovation is helping corporate houses to take the growth to every layer of society making it simplistic and scalable with its unique target oriented CSR initiatives.
  • Fiinovation believes that CSR is the way to bridge the gap between different sections of the society through holistic development.

Fiinovation Linkedin: Five ways to communicate your CSR initiatives on Linkedin

  “Social media lets you directly connect to your target audience.”                                               - Fiinovation CEO and Fou...