Tuesday 30 June 2020

Fiinovation CSR : Matching gift programs

Matching gift programs are set up by companies and corporations as an employee benefit. After an employee donates to a nonprofit, they can submit a matching gift request to their employer and the company will make an additional donation to that nonprofit. Many companies like Fiinovation support employee philanthropy by offering matching gift programs. By taking advantage of your corporate matching gift program, you can maximize the value of your gift at no additional cost. Matching gift programs are a tool companies use to support the philanthropic endeavours of employees. Companies with gift matching programs will match the donations their employees make to a range of eligible nonprofits.

Each year, companies and businesses support nonprofits by distributing hundreds of millions of dollars in matching gift donations. Matching gift programs are a great way for companies to engage employees as well as branch out into philanthropic initiatives.

Many employers match tax-deductible charitable contributions made by their employees but if your company is one of the few that doesn’t, here why it should:

1. Boost More Employee Donations and Engagement : Matching programs are of particular interest to employees who partake in charitable events like walk-run-bike marathons that have goals for teams or individual participants. By matching your employees’ donations, you’ll help them reach their goals faster while making it clear that you care about the causes they support.

2. Better Image of Your Company: Pledging to match your employee donations will allow your company to have a larger social impact than it would with employee donations alone. In addition to doing more good, matching gifts can improve your corporate reputation. An excellent example of a company with matching gift and volunteer grant programs is Microsoft.

3. Convenient mode of Donation Review: For companies that offer matches for predetermined nonprofits, the vetting process is much simpler since the selected charity has already been checked to make sure it meets corporate and legal requirements.

4. Cost Benefits of Matching Gifts: As with most charitable giving, matched employee donations are often deductible for up to 10% of the company’s taxable annual income. However, since most state and federal laws on charitable contributions change, you should always consult your company’s legal counsel and tax professionals to decide if possible business tax deductions apply to your matching gifts program.


Encouraging donors to look into matching gifts can seem difficult at first, but it’s not so hard if you use the right strategies. Luckily, we can help you market matching gift programs to your supporters. Whether you want to inform first-time donors about matching gifts or provide existing and dedicated contributors with enlightening resources, we can help you encourage donors to make their donations go further. Whether you want to inform first-time donors about matching gifts or provide existing and dedicated contributors with enlightening resources, we can help you encourage donors to make their donations go further.

Let’s look at the five ways to get the word out about matching gifts:

Encourage matching gifts as donors are making initial contributions.

2. Create dedicated matching gift pages.

3. Include matching gift information in your acknowledgements.

4. Promote matching gifts on social media.

5. Don’t forget email newsletters.

Which Nonprofits are Eligible for Matching Gifts?

Educational institutions are eligible for corporate matching gift programs.

Such as: universities, colleges, seminaries, alumni funds, K-12 schools, or school district foundations

Arts and cultural organizations are eligible for corporate matching gift programs

Such as: museums, zoos, aquariums, theatres, orchestras, operas, or public broadcasting stations

3. Community organizations are eligible for corporate matching gift programs.

Such as animal shelters, homeless shelters, low-income assistance, child welfare, or public works programs

4. Environmental organizations are eligible for corporate matching gift programs.

Such as conservation efforts, wildlife preservation programs, or public state or national parks

5.Health and human service organizations are eligible for corporate matching gifts.

Such as: hospitals, community health centers, substance abuse programs, or health services

Matching Gift Ratio - Every company has a different idea of what a ‘match’ is for their employees. The majority of companies match at a 1:1 ratio, but others have drastically different standards.

Some companies will give Rs 37 for every rupee an employee donates, but others will give as much as Rs 300 for every 1 Rupee that an employee donates.

The ratio may also differ based on:

~The type of employee.

~The type of organization to which the donations go.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation) is a global consulting firm operating in multiple disciplines of the social development sector with an emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability. Fiinovation offers end to end CSR consulting services and simplified solutions that has helped various corporations channelize their resources for the upliftment of community on societal, economic and ecological aspects in accordance to their CSR charter. Since 2008, Fiinovation has grown phenomenally and has made a benchmark in the sector through its service quality. It has been able to bridge the gap between businesses and communities through value-based CSR programmes in association with credible civil society organizations on pan India basis in the field of health, environment, education, and livelihood

Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and team are working on different CSR projects in different parts of the country. Fiinovation blogs provide information about the CSR activities which are implemented by companies and also address various environmental issues. We can contact Fiinovation from different social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc as they give updates about their projects. Fiinovation news, Projects, articles are uploaded on their Youtube channel.

Following are the Links: Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Youtube

Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Delhi Address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi- 110020, Delhi, India.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Fiinovation Contact : Stand in Solidarity with the Black Community & Against Racial Inequality

Most minority groups in the United States experience homelessness at higher rates than Whites, and therefore make up a disproportionate share of the homeless population. From slavery to segregation, African Americans have been systematically denied equal rights and opportunities. The effects of long-standing discrimination linger and perpetuate disparities in poverty, housing, criminal justice, and health care, among other areas. These disparities, in turn, can contribute to more African Americans experiencing homelessness. Blacks are sceptical that black people will ever have equal rights in this country. Most adults, regardless of race or ethnicity, say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in encounters with police and by the criminal justice system, but there’s less consensus about the treatment of blacks in other situations, such as when applying for a loan or mortgage or in stores or restaurants. In social science, racial inequality is typically defined as "imbalances in the distribution of power, economic resources, and opportunities. Racial inequalities have manifested in American society in ways ranging from racial disparities in wealth, poverty rates, housing patterns, educational opportunities, unemployment rates, and incarceration rates. More than four-in-ten say the country hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equality, and there is some scepticism, particularly among blacks, that black people will ever have equal rights with whites. Majorities of black and white adults say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with police and by the criminal justice system. Black and white adults have widely different perceptions of how blacks are treated in America, but majorities of both groups say blacks are treated less fairly than whites by the criminal justice system and in dealing with police.

About six-in-ten blacks or more – but fewer than half of whites – say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in hiring, pay and promotions; when applying for a loan or mortgage; in stores or restaurants; when voting in elections; and when seeking medical treatment.

In addition to experiencing disproportionately high levels of death from Covid-19, black Americans are continuing to deal with traumatizing acts of racism and injustice across the country. Black people have been fighting for decades to get justice from an unjust system and quite frankly, the emotional and mental toll is exhausting.

As we deal with ongoing acts of racism amid a global pandemic, conversations around allyship have come to the forefront as it will take people of all races and backgrounds to stand in support of marginalized groups who are continuously shortchanged by justice.

Understanding your privilege as a white person is critical to understanding how race and racism can impact the trajectory of one person's life. The real work of allyship comes in the form of educating yourself on the things you need to personally learn and unlearn in order to be a better advocate. During times like this when the news is filled with heavy headlines about black death, violence and protests, checking in with your black colleagues just to show that you care and are aware of what's going on can make a difference. Beyond addressing what's happening in the news, it's important that non-black colleagues and leaders are vocal when they witness instances of bias, racism and injustice in their immediate workplace and community.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation) is a global consulting firm operating in multiple disciplines of the social development sector with an emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability. Fiinovation offers end to end CSR consulting services and simplified solutions that has helped various corporations channelize their resources for the upliftment of community on societal, economic and ecological aspects in accordance to their CSR charter. Since 2008, Fiinovation has grown phenomenally and has made a benchmark in the sector through its service quality. It has been able to bridge the gap between businesses and communities through value-based CSR programmes in association with credible civil society organizations on pan India basis in the field of health, environment, education, and livelihood

Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and team are working on different CSR projects in different parts of the country. Fiinovation blogs provide information about the CSR activities which are implemented by companies and also address various environmental issues. We can contact Fiinovation from different social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc as they give updates about their projects. Fiinovation news, Projects, articles are uploaded on their Youtube channel.

Following are the Links: Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Youtube

Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Delhi Address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi- 110020, Delhi, India.

Friday 26 June 2020

Fiinovation Contact : Ways Companies Can Support Mental Health in the Workplace

Workplace wellness programs can identify those at risk and connect them to treatment and put in place supports to help people reduce and manage stress. By addressing mental health issues in the workplace, employers can reduce health care costs for their businesses and employees. Improving the mental health of your employees – making them mentally resilient to stress from the pandemic – can improve thinking, decision-making, workflow, and relationships at work. All of these translate to increased productivity. Mental health problems have an impact on employers and businesses directly through increased absenteeism, negative impact on productivity and profits, as well as an increase in costs to deal with the issue. In addition, they impact employee morale adversely disorders like anxiety and depression often go undetected for months or years. Unlike physical illnesses, mental health issues are more challenging to pinpoint. Even though mental health can often be a taboo topic, especially in the workplace, it appears that employees want their employer to champion mental health and well-being. The Mental Healthcare Act was commissioned in 2017, that positions its approach towards mental health and mental healthcare from a rights-based perspective. One of the best ways to create a culture that supports mental health is to ensure people experience their jobs in a meaningful and purposeful way. This can be achieved by giving employees autonomy and resources. If your team experiences to support and independence, and that you trust them to do what they ought to do, they will generally be happier at work, which will reduce the risk of mental health problems.

Speak candidly about mental health. The first step to beating the stigma is to stop treating mental illness as taboo. Whether it’s an article you read, a show you watched, or a personal experience you had, talking about it openly and without shame will help others realize they aren’t alone.

Keep the conversation going. Workplace culture must be nurtured, which means you can’t just mention mental health once and expect it to catch on. Find multiple opportunities to incorporate the subject into your employees’ day so it stays top-of-mind.

Include all levels of staff. As we mentioned in a previous article, culture starts at the top. Your employees won’t believe that you genuinely care about their well-being unless every manager and executive also demonstrates the importance of mental health.

Encourage employees to take mental health days off. If you still require your employees to provide a doctor’s note or otherwise “legitimate” reason for missing work, it might be time to stop. Part of preventative health involves giving your mind and body a break every now and then and allowing your staff to miss work in order to recharge can help them stave off more serious health issues down the road.

.Design a mentally healthy workspace. It’s important for your employees to feel energized and uplifted by their work environment. Research has shown productivity, engagement, and overall wellness increase when people feel comfortable in workspaces with natural lighting, plants, and other positive features.

Focus on the positive. Mental illness is a serious issue, but it can still be addressed in a way that makes people feel understood, appreciated & empowered.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation) is a global consulting firm operating in multiple disciplines of the social development sector with an emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability. Fiinovation offers end to end CSR consulting services and simplified solutions that has helped various corporations channelize their resources for the upliftment of community on societal, economic and ecological aspects in accordance to their CSR charter. Since 2008, Fiinovation has grown phenomenally and has made a benchmark in the sector through its service quality. It has been able to bridge the gap between businesses and communities through value-based CSR programmes in association with credible civil society organizations on pan India basis in the field of health, environment, education, and livelihood

Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and team are working on different CSR projects in different parts of the country. Fiinovation blogs provide information about the CSR activities which are implemented by companies and also address various environmental issues. We can contact Fiinovation from different social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc as they give updates about their projects. Fiinovation news, Projects, articles are uploaded on their Youtube channel.

Following are the Links: Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Youtube

Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Delhi Address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi- 110020, Delhi, India.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Fiinovation Contact : Why India should focus on CSR Implementation?

India is one of the few countries that has made CSR activity for big companies a mandatory regime. It has done so that businesses don't take undue advantage of the environment, improve customer satisfaction, and help better investor's morale. On April 1, 2014, India became the first country to legally mandate corporate social responsibility. The new rules in Section 135 of India's Companies Act make it mandatory for companies of a certain turnover and profitability to spend two per cent of their average net profit for the past three years on CSR. Now, the movement is transitioning from its reliance on purely voluntary activity to the greater use of laws.

The push for legalisation came because voluntary CSR presented problems such as free-riding, CSR facade and false disclosures. Governments are now modifying their "capitalist" approach and considering legal rules. Previously, the companies use to invest in activities which might not be much beneficial for society. Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 lists all the activities which will be considered under CSR. The law in its current form is failing to promote CSR activity. Its poor design and lack of clear obligations, set in a milieu of poor law enforcement, is also not generating an ethical obligation to obey the law in spirit.

It is suggested that it’s time to reform laws – to socialise corporations and CEOs in terms of their legal obligations and the benefits of CSR activity, to design enforcement mechanisms, and to generate ethical behaviour. India’s legal provisions contain vague language and permit a high degree of self-interpretation that undermines legislative intent.

The provisions also appear to be formulated based on a traditional understanding that top management is solely responsible for ethical behaviour and CSR activity, without making the connection between the company and its stakeholders. There is no explanation for how the CSR provision fits within the wider ambit of a corporation’s role and purpose, the duties expected of its directors, or the information it is expected to disclose.

Until such time that the law is made more precise and backed up by effective enforcement and penalties for non-compliance, it will not promote CSR or make companies engage more with stakeholders. Section 135 is merely a stealth tax and will impose unnecessary compliance burdens.

Inequality in India, which was already high, has increased even more. The CSR law does not go far enough in reducing inequality and helping the disadvantaged. Without a persistent apparatus, it is unlikely that the law will result in widespread compliance and real effectiveness. In other words, “required" CSR will remain largely voluntary, but give the illusion of progress.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation) is a global consulting firm operating in multiple disciplines of the social development sector with an emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability. Fiinovation offers end to end CSR consulting services and simplified solutions that has helped various corporations channelize their resources for the upliftment of community on societal, economic and ecological aspects in accordance to their CSR charter. Since 2008, Fiinovation has grown phenomenally and has made a benchmark in the sector through its service quality. It has been able to bridge the gap between businesses and communities through value-based CSR programmes in association with credible civil society organizations on pan India basis in the field of health, environment, education, and livelihood

Fiinovation CEO: Dr Soumitro Chakraborty, Chief Executive Officer of Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation), was conferred with ‘CEO of the year’ award at the 8th World CSR Congress held in Mumbai on February 18.

The World CSR Congress this year focused on the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) incorporate strategies, innovation, and strategic alliances. The award recognizes fiinovation projects exemplary work in the social development sector and noteworthy CSR and sustainability programmes.

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address - 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3 Rd, New Delhi- 110020.

Monday 22 June 2020

Fiinovation CSR - Shift to online education

‘’Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’’

                                                                                                      -Nelson Mandela

Shift to Online Education System

According to India’s new Education policy, the Indian institutes are stimulated to go for their Online lecture and courses. Due to the pandemic of Covid19, the Institute shifts its focus towards the Online platform which turns out to be the best mode of education. It is one of the simplest mode of studying in which both students and teachers find the best available resources for their learning.

India is already moved to the technological era, an increase in usage of digital gadgets and the Internet has changed the way of life in India. Now everyone loves to shop online, book rides online, watch movies online, read Ebooks etc and also learn online. The Internet is loaded with lots of information and during this pandemic situation, one can make better use of it by online learning. Many Universities have designed their online courses by which students get more options to select the topic of their choice. As a part of the Digital India program by our prime minister Shri Narendra Modi, many universities have now moved to digital learning by offering correspondence courses.

Benefits of online learning :

Helps to manage student-teacher ratio: Students can find more academicians in online courses by which they can get more exposure in learning from different teachers.

The teacher can guide students properly

Students doubts are solved easily

Teachers give an online assignment to clear the concept

Students can approach anytime through online mode.

Students can also learn on their own by doing research

Students can access knowledge anytime anywhere.

The education system will become more advance

Students can use online learning resources for future reference

Students can also maintain a bond with their teachers through an online platform.

In the beginning, teachers faced a lot of challenges by moving towards online education, E.g- To learn technical aspects, to prepare for online lectures etc. There is a big difference in face to face teaching in classrooms and teaching on online platforms, so it was a totally new experience for both students and teachers.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation bridges the gap between the NGO and businesses. Fiinovation CSR activities are appreciated by many corporates and honoured with various awards. Fiinovation believes in serving society and also creating awareness about the technology, medical, education etc. One of the Fiinovation projects “Impact of Digital Discovery Paathshala’’ (NDDP) programme running in Delhi which aims to generate interest among students, especially girls in digital literacy. As we can see many institutes are shifting their focus towards E-Learning so it is necessary to cope up with the technology for taking advantage of online learnings. Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and his team are working on various projects all over the country. The updates about the projects are available on their social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube. The Fiinovation news about their CSR activities has been covered by reputed media channels.

Fiinovation contact through the following links: Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Linkedin

Fiinovation Twitter

To know more information about the Fiinovation and to get updates about their projects you can stay connected through Fiinovation Client Login

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi - 110020, Delhi, India.

Sunday 21 June 2020

Fiinovation CSR - Tata Motors - CSR Report 19-20

India's Leading Automobile company TATA motors released its 2019-2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report with the vision of promoting the wellbeing of society. Tata Motors has effectively executed activities under its key push territories of Health, Education, Employability and Environment and Rural Development. This CSR program benefited almost 8.3 lakhs people and around 41% belongs to SC & ST people group.

The CEO and MD of Tata Motors Mr Guenter Butschek mentioned about their CSR exertion over the last decade which impacted positively over 5million people in India, also their roles are changed from resource provider to organisers. Mr. Guenter also said that they will continue their work by uplifting the unprivileged group of people and to improve their quality life.

The following is a preview of the organization's CSR activities across key columns:

Re-enforcing health care facilities:

The health initiative by Tata Motors benefited around 3.9 people in 2020 which aims to provide safe drinking water in rural areas and to overcome malnutrition problems. About 74% of undernourished children are benefited from this program. Also, 21,666 people were guaranteed water security by the organization's National Drinking Water Program named 'Amrutdhara. The organisation laid down the plans to help people suffering during the pandemic of Covid19 which benefitted 150,000 people including migrants, workers who lost their livelihood etc.

Improving the Education system :

Education initiative taken by Tata motors benefitted almost 1.5 lakhs students which aim to help them financially, introducing special coaching classes for the improvement of their academic performance. The progress of this program is about 80% in 2020 which was 50% in 2015. Tata motors collaborated with Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya to coach 400 students for the entrance exams like JEE, NEET and also supported IIT Bombay for Financial Aid program. 

Improving projects on Employability :

This program focuses on training unemployed people in three divisions which include auto trade, non-auto trade and agricultural activities. About 63% of people are benefited from this program and also increase their annual family income. Tata motors also helped women and farmers to earn income through their agricultural activities.

Environmental program:

Tree plantation program was encouraged by Tata Motors in which around 1.2lakhs samplings were planted and with the environmental awareness program over 90k people were stimulated about it.

Combined development of village :

Tata Motors focused on the complete development of tribal villages and also collaborated with Sahabhag to improve 3000 tribal people of Palghar district.

Tata Motor launched their employee volunteering program in which more than 50% of the employees participated in it, they added a helping hand for Maharashtra state government flood response program and provided support to more than 45 thousand people, the activities were appreciated by many stakeholders and also honoured with many awards.

Tata Motors benefitted many people in India with their CSR program and added value to the society. Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation bridges the gap between the corporate and NGO so that it helps in the implementation of CSR projects. Fiinovation CSR activity is appreciated by many corporates and honoured with various awards. Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and his team are working tirelessly towards their different Fiinovation projects. If the organisations rightly invest in their CSR activity it will bring the desired outcome. Just like Tata Motors who work efficiently in their CSR projects to bring positive change in society. It increased their brand image in society and are now trusted by many people. Fiinovation and team believe in transparency, simplicity and quality and they also provide updates about their projects through their social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Youtube.

Contact Fiinovation through following links: Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Linkedin

To know more information about Fiinovation and to get updates about their projects you can stay connected through Fiinovation Client Login

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III

New Delhi – 110020, Delhi, India

Thursday 18 June 2020


Fiinovation CSR is a self-moving business characteristic that helps organizations socially liable. With CSR training, companies can be aware of the kind of influence they have on different sections of the society - economic, social & environmental. To employ CSR in the business means that the company is contributing to society in a beneficial way rather than in a negative manner.

The aim of CSR is to give back to society and bring positive social values. Companies can show CSR in the form of donations to charities, employee volunteering, eco-friendly production process, ethical labour practices and more. It aims at the protection of the local and global environment. It ensures respect for human rights. It results in avoiding bribery and corruption. It promotes adherence to labour standards by companies and their business partners.

CSR may be based within the human resources, business development or public relations departments of an organisation, or maybe a separate unit reporting to the CEO or the board of directors.

Importance of CSR :

1. Brand Image - A well-managed CSR program can help increase brand equity, awareness and resonate with strong values.

2. Increase in Sales - Companies that lead with a purpose are perceived positively by the customers.

3. Employee Empowerment - CSR initiatives incorporate volunteering programs which foster values such as empathy and loyalty

4. Cost Reduction - Responsible companies have found new technologies that have reduced the operating costs.

In April 2014, India became the first nation in the world to make CSR mandatory, following an amendment to the Companies Act, 2013. Companies can spend their profits in areas such as education, poverty and hunger, as a part of CSR assent. With the ongoing CoVID-19 global pandemic, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has suggested that the businesses' contribution against the pandemic will be considered credible under the CSR rules. As per the regulations the company will set aside, for annual CSR activities, an amount equal to 2% of the average net profits of the Company made during the three immediately preceding financial years

The amendment notified in the Companies Act, 2013 requires companies with a net worth of INR 5 billion (US$70 million) or more, or an annual turnover of INR 10 billion (US$140 million) or more, or net profit of INR 50 million (US$699,125) or more, to spend 2 per cent of their average net profits of three years on CSR. Businesses must note that the expenses towards CSR are not eligible for deduction in the computation of taxable income. If a company was unable to fully spend its CSR funds in a given year, it could carry the amount forward and spend it in the next fiscal, in addition to the money allotted for that year. Every company should set up a CSR committee which would formulate the CSR policy. Organizations shall go for areas around where it functions.

If the company fails to follow the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, then according to Section 134 of the Companies Act ;

• The company shall be punished with a fine of Rs 50,000 to Rs 25,00,000.
• Officers who are defrauded can be imprisoned for 3 years and pay a hefty amount of fine.
• Companies will have to give details about the spending of money and they have been given a three-year window to adhere.

In order to show compliance towards CSR, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken the following initiatives :

• National CSR data portal which will ensure transparency towards CSR activities of businesses.
• Show cause notices to the companies.
•Unspent CSR amount to be transferred to designated Central Government Funds

The current government has tightened the laws for CSR as several companies and NGOs were caught violating the policies. Responsibility should be imparted as fundamental behaviour for any progressive society. And hence the CSR law. It has done so that businesses don't take undue advantage of the environment, improve customer satisfaction, and help better investor's morale.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation) is a global consulting firm operating in multiple disciplines of the social development sector with emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability. Fiinovation offers end to end CSR consulting services and simplified solutions that has helped various corporations channelize their resources for the upliftment of community on societal, economic and ecological aspects in accordance to their CSR charter. Since 2008, Fiinovation has grown phenomenally and has made a benchmark in the sector through its service quality. It has been able to bridge the gap between businesses and communities through value-based CSR programmes in association with credible civil society organizations on pan India basis in the field of health, environment, education, and livelihood

Fiinovation CEO: Dr Soumitro Chakraborty, Chief Executive Officer of Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd. (Fiinovation), was conferred with ‘CEO of the year’ award at the 8th World CSR Congress held in Mumbai on February 18.

The World CSR Congress this year focused on the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in corporate strategies, innovation, and strategic alliances. The award recognizes fiinovation projects exemplary work in the social development sector and noteworthy CSR and sustainability programmes.

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address - 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3 Rd, New Delhi- 110020.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Fiinovation CSR - Role of Govt in CSR

Earlier the government alone was responsible to develop the society and to maintain the environment, for this purpose many projects were implemented as it was the duty of the government to look after the society. Due to growth in industries and increase in revenue, it becomes the responsibility of the companies to manage the society, environment and other factors, it can be possible by investing in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

Corporate social responsibility is getting recognition in India and also the corporates started realizing the importance of the CSR activities.

After the amendment of the Companies Act, 2013 India has become the first country in the world to make corporate social responsibility mandatory. The growth in the CSR in India has made changes in the corporate governance system as they are influenced by family value, tradition, culture and religion by industrialization. The government encourages the corporates to contribute rightly in the growth of society by activities like rural education, environment protection methods, use of eco-friendly products, rainwater harvesting, waste management, tree plantation activity, and helping the needy during crises.

E.g - Many reputed companies like TATA and Reliance have taken the initiative to help people during the pandemic of Covid-19, though the government is also making affords to handle the situation and to fulfil the basic necessity of people like Food, shelter and hospital facilities, the corporates are also taking the initiative to fulfil it. 

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation bridges the gap between the corporates and NGO so that they can implement their CSR activities in the right sector. Fiinovation provides guidance to the corporates about the Fiinovation CSR activities and also helps them to make it successful. Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty has been awarded as’’ Most admired leader for CSR and Sustainability ‘’ and also the company received ‘’Most caring company’’ award 2015. Fiinovation believes in transparency as each update about their Fiinovation project is available on their social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube.

As India is a developing country and there are a lot of areas where there is no basic facility, lack of education, lack of employment, improper drinking water facilities and many other issues which need to be addressed. This can be possible by implementing the Fiinovation CSR activities in every part of the country. The corporates can also take the responsibility to reduce the cause of pollution created by them, around 77 % of industries cause water pollution 15% cause air pollution as per the source. So the corporates should take the initiative to make changes in their working environment by implementing CSR activities.

The main objective of CSR is to serve society and the environment, this can be possible by involving both business and government together to contribute towards the objective and to bring changes in society.

Fiinovation CSR activities are appreciated by many corporates and also encouraged them to participate in it. Information about different Fiinovation projects are updated on their website.We can contact Fiinovation through the following links:

Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Linkedin

Fiinovation Twitter

To know more information about Fiinovation and to get updates about the projects you can stay connected through Fiinovation Client Login.
Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor,Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III

New Delhi – 110020, Delhi, India

Monday 15 June 2020

Fiinovation Client login - Why is Monitoring and Evaluation important for your CSR project.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the company’s responsibility towards the growth and development of social, economical and environmental factors by contributing a part of their profit. In order to implement the CSR activities, it is necessary to Monitor and Evaluate every part of it from the beginning to the end. Monitoring and Evaluation plays a very important role in corporate social responsibility activities. The term monitoring refers to checking and keeping a track on the projects if it is going in the right direction, and also to observe and measure the progress of the project. On the other side, Evaluation is to analyse how well the project has been implemented, what are the limitations after the implementation, the future obstacles to be faced and to check if the outcome of the project is positive or negative. Monitoring needs to be done before the implementation of the project and evaluation is carried out after the implementation. Hence Monitoring and Evaluation go hand in hand in order to make the project prosperous.

Following are the points to be considered in monitoring the CSR activity :

  • To check the effectiveness of the CSR project on what parameters it can be implemented.
  • To determine the resources required for it.
  • To analyse the durability of the project in future terms.
  • To observe and check the progress.
Points to be considered in Evaluation the CSR activity:

The evaluation can be classified into three parts

Process Evaluation: To check if the project is reached to the target

To classify if the project is going on as per the plan.

Impact Evaluation: To measure the performance of the project and to implement desire change

Outcome Evaluation: To check if the goal of the project is been achieved

To determine the contribution of other external factors.

The organisations need to create transparency about their CSR projects to the funding parties and to shareholders so that they can improve their brand image as well as the implementation of various projects and also encourage others to fund and participate in CSR activity,

Hence Monitoring and Evaluation plays a very important role to help the organisations for reaching their goals by taking the decision at the right time and to identify on what extent the target has reached also the outcome of it.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd ( Fiinovation ) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation bridges the gap between the NGO and the organisation to invest and guide in their CSR activities. Fiinovation also helps the organisations in monitoring and evaluation of their projects so that it fulfils all the objectives and achieves the goal.Fiinovation CSR activities are appreciated by many organisations and they are now investing in their CSR activities with proper guidance of Fiinovation. Fiinovation news is covered by many reputed media channels like ANI news and economic times. Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty believes in transparency, simplicity and quality to make the project successful also all the updates about the Fiinovation projects are available on their social media channels like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Linkedin.

Following are the links: Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Youtube

To know more information about Fiinovation and to get updates about the projects you can stay connected through Fiinovation Client Login

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III

New Delhi – 110020, Delhi, India

Friday 12 June 2020


‘’The Environment and Economy are two sides of the same coin

If we cannot sustain Environment, We cannot sustain ourselves.’’

Wangari Maathai 

The world is changing based on the desideratum of the people and the needs and wants of the society is increasing day by day, in order to fulfil the demand the world moves towards Industrialization. Due to rapid growth in industrialization, it gave rise to many environmental problems like Air, water, soil and noise pollution which creates a tremendous impact on the mother earth. So it is the fundamental responsibility of the human being to take initiatives to sustain the environment for the well being of their future.

India is a developing country and it is going through a rapid phase of industrialization, the development of roads, factories, house property, playgrounds, airports etc are a major part of it. But to make certain changes we neglect the impact the environment which is the main concern in today's era. Due to more consumption of natural resources, it is about to abolish and there will be fewer resources for the future generation. The growth in the industries creates air and water pollution, the harmful substances emitted through factories creates air pollution and the waste is released in water which spoils the water and due to this it affects the health of people.

Why do we need to protect the environment? Because it plays an important role in the healthy living of human beings and without it, humans' existence will come to an end. The environment gives us basic necessities like food, shelter etc so it is necessary to protect it.

According to the source, in India, around 51% of pollution is caused by Industries, 27% by the use of vehicles and 22% by others. As the maximum pollution is caused by the industries so it becomes the responsibility for them to reduce it by taking necessary steps towards environment protection.

Industries can reduce the pollution caused by them by investing in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. In CSR the companies and the management participate to uplift the society and sustain the environment.

Following are the ways through which the companies can reduce environmental pollution :

To practice waste management activities

To make their employees use public transport instead of their private vehicles to reach the office or else promote the use of electric vehicles.

To manufacture recyclable products and also encourage people to use the same.

To educate people about environmental problems.

To make use of solar energy in their offices.

To reduce the paperwork and make the employees to go digitalised.

To implement water management activities.

And also to encourage society in doing so.

It is important to create awareness about the things happening in our environment related to the environment so if the government or industries are making their projects which can harm the environment then people can take action related to it. E.g the case of ‘’Aarey Forest ‘’ where the government of Maharashtra decided to cut thousands of trees for making their project and the people oppose it because of the environmental concern. This type of activities creates more awareness in society and can be helpful to preserve the environment.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation), is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation family bridges the gap between the NGO and the companies and gives proper guidance to invest in the CSR activities which will benefit the society. They primarily focus on practise areas like health, education, livelihood skills and environment. Fiinovation CSR activities are appreciated by many corporates and the Fiinovation news about their latest projects is also covered by well-known media channels like ANI News and economic times. In February 2017 Fiinovation and Uflex Ltd jointly awarded for Best Environment-Friendly Projects and the title of the project was ‘’ Natural resource conservation & optimization of ecosystem services’’. Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and his team are working for new upcoming projects and are also honoured with many awards for their work. Some of the Fiinovation projects related to environmental sustainability are Rainwater harvesting, water management projects, developing various strategies for providing safe drinking water, solid waste management etc. We can contact Fiinovation through their social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin as they keep transparency about their work.

Following are the Links:

Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Linkedin

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III New Delhi – 110020, Delhi, India

Tuesday 9 June 2020


We cannot change what we are not aware of,

And once we are aware, We cannot help but Change

- Sherly Sandberg

We live in a world where every individual should be treated equally but there is a lot of gender discrimination among every singleton in respect to male and females. From childhood, it has been thought that both men and women cannot do the same work, due to their ability to perform and most women were not considered to do official work instead they have to deal with only household works. This type of psychology of the people is carried till now though the world has changed but the mentality of gender discrimination is still the same in many parts of the world and mostly in rural areas of India. In India, there is a huge disparity in the population of male and females and in many areas the women are not getting their own right to contribute their work towards economical benefits of the society and country. Hence there is a gargantuan difference in access of females to economic, political, educational and healthcare opportunities and their contribution to such services. Women are getting less freedom to do their work and also not included in most of the labour services due to their gender as society thinks they are not eligible to perform labour work due to less physical strength, in many parts of the world the women are handling many labour services and also getting selected for defence service by the government hence this will put a light on the society that they are also capable of doing things and also are able to work shoulder to shoulder with the men.

Apart from this, there is oodles of gender discrimination with the people who belong to ‘’Third Gender’’ category, they are treated immorally by the society and are excluded from doing any work. Now it is announced that the third gender is also a part of the society and they should be equally treated like men and women and also they are involved in the corporate world to show their skills and contribute towards the economy.

India has been declared to be 122 positions amongst 153 countries on the world's economic forum global gender gap index. The index is to measure the Gender gap in access to economic opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment and health. It has been analysed that the Gender gap index of India is very low in every parameter which is mentioned and the government is working towards the improvement of the lacking sectors.

The corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) of the companies is to maintain a balance between the gender workforce in their organisations.

Corporate social responsibility can be a powerful tool to uplift the Gender Gap Index of our country by providing :
Proper wages and salaries to the employees based on the performance and not including the gender concept.

Every employee should have equal rights to work in a safe environment.

To provide proper job opportunity for Women’s and taking care of their health and safety measures

To provide equality of treatment to women at the workplace

To spread awareness about gender discrimination in the workplace.

To take legal actions on the unethical practices like paying low salaries to women, excluding from the decision-making process and also on sexual harassment in the workplace.

To take the initiative of educating the women who are not getting schooling facilities due to their gender.

Companies should rightly invest in their CSR activities to make a change in society

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation bridge the gap between the corporates and NGO and help the companies to invest in their CSR activities to create a change in society. Fiinovation CSR activities are recognised and appreciated by many companies over the world. Fiinovation CEO Dr. Soumitro Chakraborty and his team are working relentlessly on their different Fiinovation Projects. Fiinovation working to create equal opportunities of education for women and also help mobilize resources for health and education projects, for the empowerment of women to ensure enhancing their skills, so that they can engage in income generation activities.

India is still in the lowest position in maintaining gender equality and social development. This is because of a lack of education and awareness about gender rights in society and also because no one is taking a step to make a change in society. As the government is taking initiatives to overcome this obstacle so it is the right time for corporates to grab the opportunity by implementing their CSR activities to create change in Society.

Hence companies like Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation) are taking every necessary step to help corporates to make the right decision for their CSR activities. Fiinovation news about their projects is being covered by reputed media channels like ANI News and Economic times. We can also contact Fiinovation through their different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

Following are the links: Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Linkedin

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III New Delhi – 110020, Delhi, India

Saturday 6 June 2020

CSR activities for Safe Drinking Water

Water plays a very important role in survival, each and every living being on this planet depends on it,without water there is no life. About 71% of the earth surface is covered by water; it is present everywhere in the form of rivers,lakes,glaciers,oceans etc. As human being cannot cannot survive without water it is necessary that they consume proper drinkable water to stay safe from various diseases. Consumption of contaminated water is linked to transmission of diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea, polio etc. The majority of the people in rural areas are suffering from such diseases. The government is working on various projects to provide safe and sanitized drinking water facilities in rural areas and also it is the responsibility of the organizations to provide assistance for the same. Hence various organisations are planning their CSR activities in such water management projects so that each and every individual will live a healthy and prosperous life.

Innovation Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd (Fiinovation) is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation consults and provides guidance to the companies who are investing in their CSR activities.

Center for Youth Development and Activities (CYDA) and Peoples Forum joins hands with Fiinovation on different health care projects. Fiinovation conducted a study of ‘’Mid-term evaluation of safe drinking water’’ at Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh for a Pharmaceutical Company.The project was to address the acute shortage of safe drinking water in that area. Fiinovation conducted a study and suggested correction measures for the future. Various Organisations made partnership with Fiinovation for different projects of their CSR activities. These Fiinovation projects are well recognised and appreciated by many corporates and they are investing in Fiinovation CSR activities for better outcome.

From the Source:

As per the reports published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) only 71% of the global population used safely managed drinking water services.In least developed countries 21% of healthcare facilities have no water services and 22% have no sanitisation services.

How Industries creates water pollution

Many industries dump waste and chemicals into the river and seas which creates water pollution and this polluted water goes in the areas where people use it for drinking and other purposes. Industrial waste, oil leaks from ships, inadequate industrial practices, use of plastics are some of the reasons for water pollution. As the Industries are majorly responsible for water pollution it becomes their responsibility to fix it up by implementing their CSR activities in providing safe drinking water facilities.

About 70% of India’s population lives in rural areas so it becomes necessary to provide safe drinking water and facilities for their well being.

Following are the CSR activities which company can implement for providing safe drinking water in rural areas :

Setup wells and ponds in rural areas

Provide proper water supply for every households

Provide Rainwater harvesting facilities

Spread awareness about the diseases caused by consuming contaminated water

Provide healthcare facilities

To stop disposing industrial waste in rivers & oceans

Many NGOs are also implementing the projects of safe water supply to rural areas. Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and team are working on different CSR projects in different parts of the country. Fiinovation blogs provide information about the CSR activities which are implemented by companies and also address various environmental issues. We can contact Fiinovation from different social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter etc as they give updates about their projects. Fiinovation news, Projects, articles are uploaded on their Youtube channel.

Following are the Links: Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Youtube

Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Delhi Address: 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi- 110020, Delhi, India.

Monday 1 June 2020

Energy Conservation - A corporate social responsibility

Energy is available in different forms like light, heat, thermal etc. This energy is generated from the natural resources, the use of these resources for converting into energy is increasing day by day due to industrialisation. Many manufacturing industries require more energy for their production purpose as without it they cannot produce further hence the consumption of energy is more from this sector. Unlike many rural areas in India do not have the facilities of electricity, fuel etc so they focus more on agriculture as their source of income, using raw methods of production and distribution. The consumption of energy is so much from the industries and the urban areas that it will be difficult to generate more for the future. Hence the corporates are applying different methods to conserve these energies for future use and also implementing different projects in rural areas to spread awareness about energy conservation and to make products which can work on naturally available sources. Many corporates are now investing in their CSR activities towards rural development with energy conservation products implementation as over 70% of indian pouplation lives in rural areas and many of them lack in electricity and other facilities so it becomes the responsibility of the organisations to use alternatives energy resource for their manufacturing purpose and to serve the rural areas with eco friendly energy products.

Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt Ltd ( Fiinovation ), is a leading research and advisory firm that offers expertise in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability domain. Fiinovation projects are popular in different states of india and also appreciated by many corporates over the world. Fiinovation partnered with a leading cement company for socio economic study at 12 districts spread across nine states.The study emphasises on education, finance , connectivity of electricity etc. The information about different Fiinovation CSR activities are available on their official website and also on their social media pages. Fiinovation focus helps the companies to invest and implement in the CSR activities which will benefit the society.

Around 40 % of energy is consumed by the Industries and the rest is consumed by commercial ,agricultural and other sectors.Conservation of Energy has become the main focus of many industries in this mechanical and technological era as everything we use requires large amounts of energy to produce and these products require efficient energy to work.Some organisations are now making use of renewable energy sources to minimise energy cost without affecting the quality, productivity and also to minimise environmental effects. Some industries are implementing their CSR activity of energy conservation in rural areas to help people by using products which run on renewable energy.

E.g - Dalmia Bharat and Sugar Industries Limited made use of products which work on renewable energy for the villagers to utilize it for cooking, lighting etc. They set solar panels for electricity,biogas plants for cooking which benefit 12 villages.

Many celebrities are also giving a helping hand to conserve the energy and to make renewable energy in use, like Akon an American singer started a project ‘Akon Lighting Africa’ to provide electricity for over 600million people in africa by using solar energy.

As the most of the energy is consumed by the industries in their activity like transportation , manufacturing and commercial purpose so it became the responsibility to serve the society by minimising the use of energy and implementing renewable sources for day to day work.

Fiinovation family focuses more on environmental activities and helps the company to implement their CSR activity to conserve resources and uplift the rural areas.Fiinovation CEO Dr Soumitro Chakraborty and team are working tirelessly for their CSR activities. Fiinovation News about different projects is covered by well known media channels like ANI News and Economic times. Fiinovation believes in Simplicity,Transparency and Quality with this trust many corporates are now investing in their CSR activities which will benefit the society. We can contact Fiinovation through their social media sites like Facebook,Linkedin and Twitter.

Contact through links: Fiinovation Facebook

Fiinovation Linkedin

Fiinovation Twitter

Fiinovation Delhi NGO address : 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase -3, New Delhi, Delhi - 110020

Fiinovation Linkedin: Five ways to communicate your CSR initiatives on Linkedin

  “Social media lets you directly connect to your target audience.”                                               - Fiinovation CEO and Fou...